• Discovery
  • Hemp
  • Eco-friendly

Between CBD and its industrial uses, hemp is very popular. There are still lingering questions on its nature, which beg the questions : what is hemp ? What are its uses ? In French, the word “chanvre” for hemp, derives from its Latin root “cannabis”. It may be the reason why there’s a bit of confusion around the plant. For a lot of people, hemp remains misunderstood despite its different uses. Here’s an article summarizing what we can do with hemp !

Content overview

Why you should know about hemp : it has CBD as well as many industrial uses that a lot of people can benefit from.

Understanding the plant

What is hemp and the difference with cannabis ?

Hemp and cannabis are technically the same plant since “cannabis” is the latin name of hemp, and it labels the Cannabaceae family. However, “hemp” commonly designates its industrial uses, whereas “cannabis” refers to it as a drug. Both are Cannabis Sativa, part of the Cannabaceae family. 

In most cases, hemp means “industrial hemp”. So when people ask “is hemp a drug ?”, the simple answer is no. Both the word and law imply that it is very low in THC. Hemp cultivation has to produce raw material that is beneath 0.3% THC for it to be legal. In that case, the plant is used for its vegetable fiber and its seeds for industrial and food uses. It is also possible to use hemp flower or extract CBD for consumers.

CBD and cannabis are both the same flower called hemp, but they have completely different molecular composition. They also differ in uses.

Hemp : different parts for different uses

Different parts of the plant can be used for varying purposes :

  • Hemp seeds are used for its nutritious properties in hemp oil, protein powder or directly to make flour, proteins, drinks, oils, etc. Some have managed to make fuel, paint, ink and cosmetics. Hemp seed consumption have no secondary effects since they have little to no traces of THC.
  • Vegetable fiber can be extracted from the stem. Strong and flexible, it can be used to create rope, textiles, paper and building materials.
  • Finally, hemp flower. This is where cannabinoids are more concentrated, like CBD. CBD is used for well-being products. Hemp leaves can also be used to make tea or infusions.

Hemp’s benefits : healthy, nutritious and eco-friendly

Nutrition-wise, hemp as interesting properties. Hemp seed contains carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and 8 amino acids. Thus, it is ideal for our diet. Hemp oil is riche in omega 3 and omega 6, with an excellent nutritional intake. It is possible to make hemp seed powder or flour, both gluten-free and extremely digestible.

Hemp is also known for the potential it has in therapeutic properties with its numerous cannabinoids. For example, hemp contains CBD, which is one its most studied molecule. It seems like this hemp extract may have anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Hemp has many benefits since it is nutritious and it has CBD.

Hemp’s practical uses

Hemp’s long history in France

Hemp and France share a long history as it was the plant of choice to make varying things : paper, bills, textile, ropes, etc. In the middle of the 19th century, near 176 000 hectares were cultivated in France. Cotton, nylon and synthetic fiber soon replaced it, which nearly caused its total extinction in France’s agricultural landscape.

Hemp in 2022

Today, the geopolitical context of hydrocarbons and environmental challenges in France make hemp a great alternative. First of all, its cultivation needs little water and no pesticide. Growing hemp also helps avoiding soil erosion by providing a vegetative cover. Furthermore, the plant seems to be able to extract heavy metals from polluted soils.

Hemp’s fiber can be used to make building and insulation material. Hemp concrete mixes hemp stems fiber with lime for example, or other type of mineral binder. Hemp bricks can also be made to build individuals houses with wooden structures. Moreover, hemp can be used in agriculture : absorbing litters can be created with it.

La plante est une solution pour face aux enjeux environnementaux du 21ème siècle.

A plant for a better future

So, what is hemp ? Unfortunately known as a drug, hemp is a fantastic plant with lots of great uses. Its seeds can be eaten or transformed into a healthy and nutritious oil, flour or vegetable protein. The plant also has great applications in different sectors such as textile, industries and agriculture. Some even aim higher : Hempearth wants to build an entire plane with hemp !