understandinf effects and side effects
  • Discovery
  • CBD

Despite its growing popularity in France, cannabidiol (CBD) is still a disputed and controversial topic. Since it is extracted from hemp, a plant also known as its latin name “cannabis”, a lot of people still mistake CBD with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It causes confusion when CBD’s effects are discussed. So what are CBD’s effects ? Are they immediate ? Dangerous ? What is the difference with THC ? In this article we answer common questions to help you make your own mind on the molecule !

4 products CBD understand effects

What are CBD’s effects ? How does it compare to THC ?

To begin with, CBD has no psychotropic effects unlike THC : it is often for this reason that some say CBD has no effects. This is probably coming from individuals that know THC and expect a feeling of “high”. CBD’s effects are subtle and light. It is important that you understand this distinction between the two molecules, hence you should look to know better what CBD actually is.

Some scientific studies show that the molecule has tranquilizing properties. Thus, consumption of CBD can affect feelings of anxiety and help you regulate it. Other studies discuss the anti-inflammatory properties of our favourite cannabinoid. Yet, in our experience, its efficiency can vary depending on people and the type of pain. It is essential you choose a product that fits your need and a consumption method that you enjoy. If you want to know how to take CBD, you can take a look at our article on the topic.

For us, the best way to describe the effect of CBD is feeling your stomach and chest area loosen, similar to a deep breath or calmness after an effective workout. It is a wholesome and light way to a calmer state of mind.

CBD effects and side effects

How fast are CBD’s effects ? How long do they last ?

Regarding stress and anxiety reduction, the effects of CBD can sometimes be immediate and very efficient. Nonetheless, like most natural remedies, sport or meditation, its efficiency and speed depend on a variety of factors. The most important to know are :

  • The way you choose to consume CBD : oils, gels, flower, infusion.
  • Dosage and quantity of CBD
  • Types of bodies and weight : it is not solely weight that matters. It is also how your body reacts to the molecule.

Understand that some people are just not sensitive to the molecule. For example, softgels absorb the hemp extract by digesting it. Processing it like that is slower than through oral mucosa with CBD oil. To feel the effects faster, try CBD oil or flower.

Generally, CBD’s effects last between 2 to 6 hours but since hemp extracts accumulate in the body, it can also have effects on the long-term. Consequently, you can try cures, with small quantities every day for 4 to 6 weeks. The molecule’s versatiliy begs the question : when should you take CBD ?

Does CBD have side effects or “contraindication” ?

The World Health Organisation has stated that CBD does not present risks of abuse. Yet, its precise long-term effects are unknown and we have little perspective. Today, most studies on hemp’s molecules are on THC-heavy products, which are, unlike CBD, very harmful. Nevertheless, the utmost precaution should be applied when consuming CBD, so here are a few essential tips :

  • Do not smoke CBD
  • Avoid using it everyday : if you try a cure, take a break for a couple of weeks after.
  • Do not drive after taking CBD and don’t operate heavy machinery.
  • If you follow a medical treatment, if you have a specific medical condition, if you are pregnant, lactating or if you are a minor, do not take CBD.

Finally, CBD, even though it is rare, can have some side effects, such as drowsiness, digestive problems or nausea.

Un nuage sur un beau ciel bleu.

How does CBD affect the brain ?

CBD’s effects on physiological and cognitive functions goes through the endocannabinoid system, which plays an important regulatory role to maintain homeostasis.

The endocannabinoid system moderates, during exercise for example, some central and peripheral effects by associating physical exertion with pleasure, calmness and euphoria. During physical activity, endocannabinoids activate type-1 and type-2 receptors, which leads to appetite suppression, anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. CBD participates in such effects by slowing the degradation and uptake of endocannabinoids, which logically leads to an increase in the type-1 and type-2 receptor binding.

Therefore, it is through the nervous system that cannabinoids such as CBD positively affect a wide variety of natural phenomenas in the human body, including dopamine and glucocorticoïd secretion. Promising studies are currently being developed in North America where athletes are already using it.

Une femme fait une pose de Yoga sur un coucher de soleil.
A number of athletes like Nate Diaz (UFC), Megan Rapinoe (Football), Rob Gronkowski (NFL), Klay Thompson (NBA) are already using CBD !

How to know more about it ?

Get into specialised CBD forums where people share their personal experiences with CBD, such as effects, side-effects, ways to consume it and different brands. It is a new ingredient sparking a lot of interest and many communities are emerging. For example, look at the subreddit r/CBD.

Of course, you can look a lot of information up on our website and instagram, since we try to provide the best tips we can.

Effects of CBD are still being studies but it is clear that the molecule plays a role in dealing with stress and anxiety. Today, along with a physical activity and a good sleep, it is a great way to deal with stress. CBD can be effective rapidly depending on the way you take it. Its effects last 2 to 6 hours and it will likely be out of your system within 7 days. In some case, we advise against its use and as the better things in life, you should use it responsibly, with “légèreté”.

If you’re interested in CBD or have any questions, come see us on instagram or look around our website !

Un jeune homme en lunette de soleil tient dans ses mains un flacon noir pour comprendre les effets du CBD
Une rose
Une branche de lilas sur un coucher de soleil