benefits risks cbd 2022 france
  • CBD

Derivated from hemp, cannabidiol oil gained popularity throughout the US and Europe in the past few years. The molecule is often used to alleviate certain pains and deal with nervous states, mainly stress and anxiety.

With an increase in demand for natural products, CBD usage in France has gone through the roof. Yet, it hasn’t been accepted by everyone.

This article explores how to use cannabidiol oil, talks about its advantages, benefits, risks and downsides by sharing studies and opinions from health professionals.


cbd benefits risks

What is CBD ? What’s the most healthy way of consuming CBD ?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a substance present in cannabis that doesn’t give a feeling of “high”. Thus, it is legal in France. A lot of hypotheses have been put forward on its benefits and advantages. Other studies have shared mixed results.

There are different ways to consume CBD. You can vape, eat or drink CBD. But what’s the most efficient way ? Sublingual CBD oil are often recommended as both the most efficient and healthy way to consume CBD.

How to use sublingual oil ? Put 3 to 9 CBD drops under the tongue for a minute. Mix with your saliva and swallow it all. Sublingual oil may have an immediate effect, especially after eating because digestion maximizes its bioavailability.

cbd immediate effects

What health professionals generally think about the benefits and efficiency of CBD oils

A few studies have shown that CBD is an ideal well-being complement as it can alleviate anxiety, stress and certain pains. For example, this 2019 study showed significant improvement in anxiety and sleep. There are also medical uses for CBD in the US, where Epidiolex is used as a treatment for epileptic disorders.

However, these studies are often put in perspective by complementary studies or narrative reviews, which means that some health professionals have a more reserved stance on CBD. Often, these studies conclude that CBD requires further studies to fully understand its interactions with the nervous system.

This is furthered by a simple fact : the endocannabinoid system, which interacts with CBD in our nervous system, is an intricate part of the human body that also requires more research.

That being said, you can find many positive testimonies on CBD as well as health professionals that advocate this new molecule. Nonetheless, CBD isn’t recognized as medication in France and thus, there are no prescription available.

CBD is solely a well-being complement. If it may help you, it can never substitute or replace a medical treatment. If you want to ask a easily a health professionals, perhaps you may find help in a pharmacy that sells CBD. Otherwise, you should ask your doctor.

Testimonies review science studies CBD benefits risks france

Risks, adverse effects, dangers and contraindications of CBD

First of all, in 2017, the World Health Organization announced that it found CBD with no risk of abuse or addiction. Thus, it is considered a safe molecule.

With 0.3% of THC, these mere traces found in CBD products do not constitute the same dangers as its illegal counterparts with over 25% THC. Yet, 0.3% THC is enough to be tested positive to a THC test. Hence, this is the first precaution to take.

Next, CBD oil consumption may produce low-risk adverse effects such as drowsiness, diarrhea or nausea. The last two may sometimes be attributed to the oil intake and not necessarily the molecule. Common oils are hemp oil, MCT or olive.

Finally, dangers of CBD, in oil or other form, may manifest itself if the consumer suffers from health complications. In that case, asking a doctor for a medical advice is essential.

In effect, this hemp extract is an active molecule, which means it interacts with other molecules in the human body, especially in the liver. If health complications or medical treatment are linked to the liver, once more, we highly recommend that you do not consume CBD unless you have a doctor’s approval.

CBD side effects

Q&A to know if you can consume CBD safely

Can I take CBD if I follow a medical treatment?

Ask your doctor or a health professional. Until then, avoid taking CBD.

Can I take CBD if I have health complications ?

Do not take CBD if you follow a medical treatment or suffer from health problems. Ask your doctor. In any case, CBD can never be considered as medication.

What if my workplace has a strict policy against THC ?

If you are often tested for THC and want to take CBD, there are different options. You can share the CBD product’s physico-chemical analysis you’re consuming with HR and wait for their authorization before taking it. 

Alternatively, you can use broad-spectrum products or CBD isolate. Some THC traces may still occur in some broad-spectrum oils, although its rare.

safe cbd use

Can I drive or operate heavy machinery after taking CBD ?

No. You definitely shouldn’t drive or operate heavy machinery in the 8 hours following a CBD intake. You are putting the safety of others as well as your in danger.

If you get THC tested while you drive, using CBD product may also result in a positive test.

What is the best way to use CBD ?

In 90% of cases, sublingual oil is the best way to consume CBD. Healthy, easy, immediate, health professionals with a positive opinion on CBD often recommends this method.

Can I smoke CBD ?

It is possible to vape or smoke CBD flowers but it isn’t recommended as it’s the unhealthiest way of taking CBD.

Can a pregnant woman take CBD ?

No. CBD use is not recommended for pregnant, lactating women as well as minors.

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Why should you try bleu candide ?

First of all, CBD isn’t a miracle solution. It’s an efficient well-being product that can help daily aches, such as nervous states or some chronic pains.

That’s why we developed our collection of French products : the luxurious selfcare CBD. Not only do we use CBD’s benefits, but we also use other natural ingredients and essential oils.

Thus, we’ve created égérie with 15% CBD as well as sweet orange, marjoram and roman chamomille to provide you with the utmost feelings of deep relaxation and coolness. You can find Zarathoustra for your skin and muscles, Hercules for daily life and muses, for your inside routine.

It’s a collection made to last : MCT oil as a carrier oil has shown greater results to conserve cannabinoids. Made in France from product to packaging, our sublingual oils’ vials have a greater volume of 15ml instead of 10ml plastic bottles.

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Our collections are unique, introducing : Apothecary’s selfcare CBD !

Moreover, even if we are convinced about CBD’s utility, we favor the utmost caution and transparency. We share studies on both side of the argument and are very attentive to health professionals’ recommendations on CBD’s uses.

So why not check out our products right now ? If you have any questions, you may contact us by e-mail or on Instagram.

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