is cbd legal in france 2022 Europe brand
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  • Tips

Is CBD legal in France in 2022 ? Cannabidiol has taken Europe by storm, which is now one of the biggest markets of CBD. Since the World Health Organization acknowledged it had no risk of abuse, many countries accepted its commercialization.

France has not been one of these countries. In fact, it has made it very difficult at every step of the way for anyone interested in cannabidiol. Yet, French people are one of the highest consumers of hemp-related products.

So, all in all, is CBD legal in France in 2022 ? After many lawsuits, decrees and 2000 shops later, what is happening with CBD in France ? In short, CBD is legal in France but there are many asterisks to that statement.

Content overview

Is CBD legal ? yes it is complex law french government

Is CBD legal ? Yes it is.

You will notice that CBD is available in France – everywhere ! It has been for a while since it is legal in the European Union. Consequently, no need to ask “Is CBD legal in Spain, Portugal or Belgium”, since they are all part of the European Union.

Technically, in all of these countries, CBD is protected by the CJUE. It has ruled in November of 2020, that no country can ban a harmless product. In effect, a CBD ban in France would violate free movement of goods, one of EU’s founding principles.

This ruling in 2020 was a direct response to the French government’s actions, who previously had tried a French brand for the sale of an illegal substance. There are many instances of legal disputes between French hemp sector and its government.

Consequently, France legalized CBD products in December 2021, as long as it has less than 0.3% THC. It also tried to ban the sale of CBD flower in France.

why do people think CBD is illegal in France 2022?

So why are we still asking if CBD is legal In France ?

This decree was very controversial for anyone interested French CBD flower. Its basis was that it would be hard to differentiate what is sold in CBD flower shops from what is illegally sold. For a couple of weeks, the decree was applied.

However, the Conseil d’Etat (State Council) suspended the decree as it fundamentally misunderstands what is CBD and its effects. Moreover, there are many easy ways to know the difference. So today, in 2022, CBD is legal in France but many people may think it isn’t.

etiquette hemp french cbd flower 2022

Etiquette with CBD in France : a few tips

If you live or visit France, there are a few things to know about CBD.

Can I take CBD to France ?

Taking CBD to France is fine if the product you’re taking contains less than 0.3% THC. You also need to check the laws from the country you are leaving and the stopover’s, if any. However, do not risk packing CBD flower with you on the plane.

Is smoking CBD legal in France ?

It is not legal to smoke CBD in France and we advise against smoking CBD flower. Any form of smoking is harmful. That being said, it is especially harmful to smoke CBD flowers since most of them are imported from Switzerland, Spain or Italy.

These countries have different laws and we have no control over sanitary, industrial or agricultural methods. If you are to buy CBD flowers in France (for infusion purposes for example), always pick something made in France. Here’s an article detailing why France is destined to produce great hemp and why you should try it !

égérie : our 15% CBD sweet orange, marjora and roman chamomille sublingual oil. Delicate, natural, made in France. In 0.5oz.

Where to buy CBD in France ?

There are a lot of brands on the market and you can check a list we’ve made here. You can find CBD in some pharmacies but the quality of products may vary and it probably won’t be French.

This is explained by two things. Firstly, the French equivalent of the FDA hasn’t officially approved CBD to be sold. Secondly, pharmacies are independently operated. Therefore, foreign brands can sell in French pharmacies with no risk of getting in trouble with French-FDA. There are exceptions of course.

There are many CBD shops with thousands of brands you can choose from. Yet, the easiest way to get the best 100% made in France CBD, is right here on this website. Why should you ? Great question.

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Our white cases that come with every order* in our e-shop. *kitten is not included !

3 reasons why bleu candide is the best French CBD gift you can make for yourself and/or your loved ones

  1. Actual French CBD : our full-spectrum products with essential oils are made from natural ingredients in France. And of course, they have been tested in labs !
  2. French aesthetic : bleu is France’s colour. Our whole packaging is in sturdy glass (made in France as well) and we worked hard to make it unique rather than taking inspiration in a typical Californian fashion.
  3. Same day delivery in Paris in a discrete “bleu candide” case. No one will suspect a thing and, it already looks like a giftbox. Don’t hesitate to send us a DM on Instagram or by e-mail if you need details on your delivery.

Hercule : Our fine 5% CBD sublingual oil with peppermint and ginger. Refined & definitely French !

A few last words

Faithful to its reputation, France is complicated in regards to CBD. Although it is technically legal, a lot of people still have doubts. Yet, it is legal because it is protected by the EU. France also had a decree but it was suspended because it banned CBD flowers.

In any case, you can buy CBD in a lot of different places in France, including French CBD flower. Nevertheless, you should ask questions or read about the brand. Ours is quite new but we can answer any of your question you may have on an order, our products or CBD in France !

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